Begin your journey with Integrative Menopause MD

Menopause reimagined...

Explore  menopause in a new way...


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Are you heading into menopause?

Preparation is vital! Are you ready? 

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I'm Dr Francesca Lynd

 It is my passion to help women journey through menopause with evidence informed actionable information. Utilizing everything from ancient wisdom to current scientific breakthroughs, here, you will find the foundation of a transformative menopause journey. I believe in using all tools available to help you to live your best life.


Read my story

Resources for your unique  journey

My Blog

Take a self-guided journey with a weekly newsletter covering all things integrative menopause.

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Learn more about menopause at your own pace and according to your own needs.

Take my course
Work With Me

For a personalized deep dive.  Explore the meaning of precision medicine utilizing advanced testing and a plan created uniquely for you.

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I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Growth from my blog... 

Sunscreen Savvy: Protecting Your Skin During Menopause

Jun 19, 2024

It is time for change...

Take my short course...

How to Get the Menopause Care YOU Deserve!

I believe most health care providers truly wish to help women in menopause feel better...but something gets lost in translation. This brief course will provide you with insight, preparation & the tools to successfully navigate a confusing healthcare system that is ill prepared for the menopausal woman.  Achieve the positive menopause experience you deserve!

Check it out!

Making Peace with Your Hormones

Listen in to Dr. Francesca Lynd as she unravels the misconceptions of the infamous Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Study. What did the study actually tell us?

Dr. Lynd was graciously hosted by Sansara Concierge Medicine's visionary founder, Dr. Ruchira Varshney.

A Fresh Perspective on Menopause
Your Hormones are Not trying to Kill You

 Christine M.D.

I have really learned a lot from you and have seen a major improvement in my health and well-being, and I am so grateful for that.  Western medicine certainly needs more physicians with your philosophy!!!!  Thank you!


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