Why Every Menopause Garden Needs Lemon Balm

herbs nervine plants & environment May 29, 2024
lemon balm nervine for menopause

Lemon Balm  (Melissa officinalis)

I love the ease of this herb. It's so easy to find in a garden center, easy to grow, easy to use and it just smells lovely. Lemon balm is a perennial herb, so it comes back year after year for your enjoyment!  Lemon balm survives harsh winters and requires minimal support, so it's a perfect herb for the horticulturally challenged.  It grows so well, you may just need a little pruning (cutting it back) every year. An ideal herb for the busy menopausal woman!

The lovely smell comes from the release of aromatic volatile oils. The vibrant smell is what makes fragrant herbs nice to use while fresh. You also often see dried lemon balm used as an ingredient in herbal teas. The fragrance lingers.

So, what is lemon balm used for medicinally?

In the herbal tradition, it’s a very popular nervine. Nervines are calming. You will often see lemon balm in teas and formulas designed for stress and anxiety. It is also a carminative. Meaning it helps with digestion-though mostly for stress related gastrointestinal discomfort. 



 The photo above shows one of my favorite ways to enjoy lemon balm!

Think healthy mojito:)

Crush fresh leaves with blueberries, then top with green tea, strain into your favorite cocktail glass and top off with a little sparking water. Garnish with a leaf:)


Don’t be afraid to go outside, get your hands a little dirty and enjoy the smells and tastes of good health!

 Wellness always,

Integrative Menopause MD


Clearly, this post is for general information only!  This is not medical advice. No physician/patient relationship is formed. Utilizing any of this information is at the reader's own risk.   This content is not a substitute for personalized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Seek advice from your personal professional provider who knows you and your current medical needs.

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